The major trends in digitization are increasingly finding their way into local government. For the first time the new presentation “Digital Administration”at CEBIT 2018 gives businesses a showcase for their solutions that allow local authorities to manage their finances with the aid of artificial intelligence.
Hannover, Germany. Nevertheless, the fact remains that many public administrations in Germany are still operating in an analogue world, and what we find in our town halls and local government offices is a series of stand-alone solutions. Many towns and municipalities have only the rudiments of a comprehensive digital strategy. All this costs businesses and private citizens time and resources. This is why the digital industry association Bitkom is calling for a program known as “Digital Administration 2025”. The aim is to offer all government services at the federal, state and municipal level in digital as well as analogue form by 2020, and to offer them in digital form only as from 2025.
The new-look CEBIT provides a new, modern platform for the public sector – simply called “Digital Administration” – in the d!conomy section of the show in Hall 14. Here visitors will find a range of solutions and applications for e-government portals, as well as examples of best practice for smart cities and regions. Sited adjacent to the displays in the “Digital Business” display category, the location is ideal for attracting visitor footfall, not least because the new digital platform shares common ground with the presentations “Data Management & Digital Processes” and “Workplace 4.0 & Collaboration”. At the same time the d!talk stage in Hall 14 hosts a program of conferences, discussions with industry experts and career development opportunities, all designed to place the displays and exhibits in their wider context.
The software specialist for local government and local government applications, mps public solutions in Koblenz, has already booked a stand for CEBIT 2018. “We find the new show concept really convincing. In fact, we are planning to launch our new K1 at CEBIT 2018, introducing a new era in local government finances”, says Dr. Tino Wagner, managing director of mps public solutions.
MACH AG was also one of the first companies to sign up to participate in “Digital Administration” at CEBIT 2018. “CEBIT is changing, and so are businesses and public administrations in the wake of digitization. Existing processes need to be re-examined – because digitization will only succeed if software, data and human resources work together in harmony. We are looking forward to the new CEBIT”, say Rolf Sahre and Stefan Mensching, who are both managing board members at MACH AG.
The association DATABUND and its member firms will also have a stand at CEBIT 2018. “We like the new CEBIT concept very much. It provides an ideal platform for digital administration, and opens up new room for innovation and communication. The new-look CEBIT has the potential to become a trend-setting forum, not least for the challenges of digitization in administration and for the development of eGovernment across Germany”, says Detlef Sander, board chairman of DATABUND, the German industry association representing small and medium-sized IT service providers and software producers for the public sector.
The IT Planning Council, the federal body for the promotion of e-government and digitization in Germany, will also be welcoming visitors to its stand at “Digital Administration” in Hall 14. Here, administration professionals and digitization experts working at the national and regional level will be unveiling user-friendly digital administration services for businesses and public authorities. Individual German states will also be showcasing their work again in the “Digital Administration” display category. The German state of Baden-Württemberg has already booked its stand.
“Digitization is going to change Germany radically. For the public sector in particular, this development brings with it great opportunities for improving the quality and efficiency of services, and digitizing processes to make them more accessible for the public. We are looking forward to the presentation of public administration in the new ‘Digital Administration’ section of the show. High on the agenda will be the need to take decisions about investing in digitization now – at the federal, state and municipal level”, adds Oliver Frese, member of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe.
Public Administration Ticket for CEBIT 2018
A special admission ticket for CEBIT 2018 is available for employees of local authorities and public administrations. The so-called Public Administration Ticket is valid for the duration of the show. It can be used only in conjunction with a valid employee ID card, or a letter from the employer proving that the ticket holder is entitled to the discount.
These tickets can be ordered at a reduced price of €50 at: http://www.cebit.de/#tickets .