Following this year’s cancellation due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consumer event will take now place under the new name “HUBANA 2021 – Jagderlebnistage Schloss Lembeck” from 25 to 27 July 2021 at Lembeck Castle in North-Rhine Westphalia. The event will be organised by the IWA OutdoorClassics team to the customary high standard of quality and will allow visitors to test and buy a wide range of products in a unique open-air setting. The event is supported by hunting associations KJS Hubertus Recklinghausen e. V. and Hegering Herrlichkeit Lembeck und Dorsten e. V.
The “HUBANA – Jagderlebnistage Schloss Lembeck” will take place in in North-Rhine Westphalia in the summer of 2021 and is aimed at consumers. With its regional European atmosphere and open-air product tests, the event will offer a special experience. It has been initiated by the IWA OutdoorClassics as a response to the increasing importance of the consumer in the hunting sector and will bring together traditions and customs with trends and innovation. It will also be the launchpad for a series of events, with partner events set to follow within Germany and in other European countries.
Local hunters endorse the event
Petra Bauernfeind-Beckmann, President of KJS Hubertus Recklinghausen e. V. and Chair of the Hunting Customs Preservation Committee, welcomes the event: “As a regional hunting community we support events that help nurture and protect our customs and traditions, so we are pleased to give our backing to ‘HUBANA – Jagderlebnistage Schloss Lembeck’.” The 2,000-member association has nine hunting groups, making it one of the largest members of the North-Rhine Westphalian Hunting Federation.
Hermann Wolff, President of the hunting association Herrlichkeit Lembeck und Dorsten e. V., is also aware of the resulting opportunities to enhance the
reputation of hunting: “An event of this kind helps us with our PR activities as it allows us to inform and educate visitors and help create a lasting positive
image of the hunting community among the general population. Because hunting continues to be an important factor in species and nature conservation.”
Experience hunting with all your senses
The baroque-style castle is surrounded by medieval-looking moats and is a unique event location. The 300-year-old castle is in the border region to
France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The expansive grounds mean that there is plenty of room for visitors to move around comfortably. In
addition, a nearby shooting range will allow numerous tests to be carried out under realistic conditions. As well as hunting sights and accessories, holders
of the German ‘grüne/gelbe Waffenbesitzkarte’ (hunters/sport shooters permit) can test out rifles and ammunition at the HUBANA. Manufacturers
and dealers of off-road vehicles suitable for hunting will also be on site to present their products. The prestigious location and an exciting supporting
programme add to the calibre of the event. “We are bringing the innovations in the sector to the place where they belong: to the great outdoors among
like-minded people,” says Rebecca Schönfelder, Exhibition Director IWA OutdoorClassics and HUBANA. “If a product passes their personal test,
visitors can pay for it and take it with them or place an order,” Schönfelder continues.
Contact for press and media
Tim Zychacek, Ariana Brandl
T +49 911 86 06-82 85
F +49 911 86 06-12 82 85
All press releases and more detailed information, photos and videos are available from: www.iwa.info/de/en/news.
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