Sporting his trademark dreadlocks and beard, Jaron Lanier is the barefoot philosopher of the digital world, known both as a pioneer of virtual reality and one of the fiercest critics of the Internet. Lanier is an American computer scientist, entrepreneur, composer and author. Currently a scientist at Microsoft Research, his fundamental criticism of the business models of the world’s major Internet companies won him the 2014 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade.
And he will be in Hannover, Germany, for CEBIT 2018, where he will take the Center Stage at d!talk at 12 noon on “Take-off Monday”, 11 June.
In his book “Who Owns the Future?”, Lanier describes an online economy headed for total surveillance of its human users. He calls for an end to the open-content approach to the Internet and argues that all users should be recompensed for the data they share. The book became an international bestseller and was named the most important book of 2013 by The New York Times. In 2014, it earned him the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, one of the world’s highest literary honors.
Lanier is also a pioneering developer, and is often credited as the person who coined the term virtual reality. In the early 1980s, he worked at Atari Labs, where, among much else, he developed the data glove, a device that translates hand gestures into control signals for use in computing and virtual reality applications. Later he founded VPL Research, the first company to commercialize VR products, which were then used in a range of areas, including medicine and design. In 2010, Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Jaron Lanier is currently writing a book titled “Dawn of the New Everything: Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality”, which is due out in November 2017.
CEBIT tickets for just 25 euros: Offer ends 15 August
Anyone wanting to see Jaron Lanier live at CEBIT will need a valid CEBIT ticket. They will also need to register for Lanier’s presentation, which is on the CEBIT Monday. Registration opens around January 2018, but CEBIT tickets are available now.
In fact, visitors who order online at http://www.cebit.de/#tickets by 15 August will be able to secure “Discover” tickets at a reduced price of €25. The tickets are valid for admission to every part of CeBIT: d!conomy, d!talk, d!tec and d!campus. After 15 August, ticket prices will be €50, and will rise in a graduated series of steps as CEBIT opening day draws nearer.