Running under the lead theme of “Industrial Intelligence”, this year’s HANNOVER MESSE will shine a spotlight on digital connectivity, particularly as it applies to connecting people and machines in an age of artificial intelligence. On Wednesday, 3 April, the new Future of Work in Industry Conference will bring together some 300 experts, thought leaders and industry executives to discuss the impact of digitization on skill sets and work management. The following day the established WomenPower Congress kicks off, featuring an exciting program that will highlight career issues, success strategies and innovative forms of work.
Hannover, Germany. The forward march of digitization is having a major impact on skill sets and work management, creating a new set of challenges every day. Within the context of Industry 4.0, the intelligent use of IT systems and communication networks is greatly increasing the level of productivity and flexibility in production. Whereas previously the focus was on the interconnectivity of plant and machines with scant attention paid to the employees involved, it is now time to focus on the human being within the context of this scenario – which is where the Future of Work in Industry Conference comes into the picture.
Richard David Precht to deliver opening keynote address
The Conference will be kicked off by well-known philosopher and writer Richard David Precht, who will deliver a keynote speech on “The Digital Revolution: Why Redecorating the Deck Chairs on the Titanic Isn’t Enough”. His talk will highlight whether the end of the “achievement-oriented society” brought about by digitization is necessarily a bad thing. In his eyes, digitization means above all the opportunity to live a more fulfilling, self-determined life. At the same time, he warns that a clear strategy must be developed to accomplish this and that substantial changes to our social system will be required.
Conference to focus on three thematic strands
Picking up on these ideas, the Conference will focus on the three central thematic strands of leadership, skills and tools. In a series of keynotes, deep-dive panels, panel discussions and best-case presentations, well-known speakers like Janina Kugel, Chief Human Resources Officer and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens, Kai Anderson, Partner at Promerit, and Christiane Benner, Deputy Chairperson of the IG Metall trade union, will present the expertise and skill sets required to make companies and their employees future-proof.
Bernd Osterloh, VW Works Council Chairperson, views change as an opportunity to forge a “Future Pact for Volkswagen”
For hourly and salaried employees, change is often associated with uncertainty and anxiety – making it all the more important to take them along the path of change and get them involved. Bernd Osterloh, Chairman of the General and Group Works Councils and Member of the Presiding Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Volkswagen Group, explains how this can be achieved within the framework of Germany’s Social Partnership.
Let’s get loud – Women in Industry
Women are still underrepresented in industrial management circles. Which is why they will be the focus of attention at the world’s largest industrial trade fair, during the WomenPower event on 4 and 5 April. Under the motto “Let´s get loud – Women in Industry! Empower. Create. Succeed.”, around 1,400 women will come together at this leading career congress to discuss and help shape current developments and challenges in the world of work in more than 40 practical workshops and best cases. Among the top speakers are Marion Rövekamp, Chief of Human Resources & Legal Affairs at EWE, Hanna Hennig, CIO of Osram, and Maria Ferraro, CFO of the Digital Factory at Siemens.
Networking and career planning
More than 50 companies, universities, associations, institutions and networks will be represented at the supporting exhibition, with exhibitors informing interested visitors on career perspectives and strategies, networking opportunities and support programs as well as labor policy trends and topics.
Spotlight on the STEM disciplines: Women Tec Day and awards ceremony
Running within the framework of WomenPower, “Women Tec Day” will take place on Thursday, 4 April. The topics discussed include the changing world of work, female leadership, digitization and the required expertise in the areas of leadership and new work. Women Tec Day is aimed at executives, high potentials and senior professionals.
Geared to junior executives, young professionals and students, Women Career Day will be staged on Friday, 5 April, offering in-depth information and live training on career planning themes. Many women are strongly committed to the STEM sector. To pay visible tribute to their extraordinary commitment, the Engineer Powerwoman Award will be presented during Networking Night on Thursday, 4 April, at 6:30 p.m.
HANNOVER MESSE – Get new technology first!
HANNOVER MESSE is the world’s leading trade fair for industrial technology. With its lead theme of “Industrial Intelligence”, it provides a detailed picture of the digitization of production and energy systems. The upcoming HANNOVER MESSE will feature six parallel shows: IAMD – Integrated Automation, Motion & Drives; Digital Factory; Energy; Industrial Supply; ComVac and Research & Technology, to be complemented by special areas for startups as well as career-oriented themes. More than 90 conferences and forums round off the program. The next edition of HANNOVER MESSE takes place from 1 to 5 April 2019 in Hannover, Germany, with Sweden starring as the Partner Country.
Deutsche Messe AG
As one of the world’s foremost organizers of capital goods trade fairs, Deutsche Messe (Hannover, Germany) stages a rich array of events at venues in Germany and around the globe. With 2017 revenue of 356 million euros, Deutsche Messe ranks among Germany’s top five tradeshow producers. The company’s portfolio features such world-class events as (in alphabetical order): CeMAT (intralogistics and supply chain management) didacta (education), DOMOTEX (carpets and other floor coverings), HANNOVER MESSE (industrial technology), INTERSCHUTZ (fire prevention, disaster relief and safety & security), LABVOLUTION (lab technology) and LIGNA (woodworking and wood processing tools, equipment and machinery). Deutsche Messe also regularly hosts a number of internationally renowned events by third parties, among which are AGRITECHNICA (agricultural machinery) and EuroTier (animal production), both of which are staged by the German Agricultural Society (DLG), EMO (machine tools; staged by the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association, VDW), EuroBLECH (sheet metal working; staged by MackBrooks) and IAA Commercial Vehicles (transport, logistics and mobility; staged by the German Association of the Automotive Industry, VDA). With more than1,200 employees and a network of 58 sales partners, Deutsche Messe is present in more than100 countries.
spring Messe Management GmbH
spring Messe Management produces trade fairs, conferences and events in the fields of human resources, corporate health management and recruiting. Spring’s many years of thematic expertise and strong customer orientation have allowed its events to become established industry platforms. The brands Zukunft Personal, Corporate Health and job & career provide the impetus for new products, ideas and management trends. Currently the Deutsche Messe subsidiary maintains offices in five countries: Austria, Germany, Hungary, Russia and Turkey.